By Sally Pritchett

As we celebrate our second B Corp anniversary, it’s a great moment to reflect on what has been a big year for Something Big.

We believed we were already living the values of B Corp long before the movement was even formed, so our expectations of how much it would impact our business were low. However, as the movement has expanded to over 2,000 businesses in the UK alone, and brand awareness has grown – with 38% of surveyed individuals recognising or having heard of B Corp – it has become hard not to get caught up in the excitement. 

In fact, within the global B Corp community, the UK is the fastest-growing country with the highest brand awareness, although the movement started in the USA all the way back in 2006. It might be hard to pinpoint why this is, but what we can say is that as part of this growing community we’ve been caught up in a snowball of progress and impact.  

Highlights from our second year as a B Corp agency

1. Speaking up

Having set out to help make workplaces fairer, healthier and happier, we’ve not only helped our numerous clients improve their employee communications, but have also inspired over 1,300 DEI, wellbeing, HR and communications professionals in our growing community through our series of free, virtual webinars. If you’re getting FOMO, sign up to our LI newsletter to stay in the know

2. Forming alliances

Never ones to sit back, we’ve actively got involved in the B Corp community, creaing and driving a series of alliances with other great B Corp businesses, building partnerships and growing our network.  

3. Always learning

Living our values to the max, we’ve been making mistakes and learning from them, check out our Impact Report where we share our learnings.   

5. Measuring and tracking

We’re excited to have finally found a robust and sustainable way of measuring our full carbon emissions and a genuine way to move the dial on reducing them, thanks to Ecologi Zero. 

5. Bigger goals

As we’ve gained our confidence, we’re keeping up the progress with some bigger plans to make a meaningful difference. This year we’ll be helping organisations engage their employees in their sustainability journey, continuing to support the DEIB agenda, and helping organisations provide better support for employees living with cancer.  We’re only just getting started.  

If you’re looking to partner with great people, experts in their field, who care about being responsible and looking after our planet, then we have the B Corp agencies for you… Find out more 

How does being a B Corp make us a better business?

Beyond being better for the planet and our people, we believe being a B Corp has made us a better business to work with, from our clients to our supply partners. From better service levels to better relationships here’s what you can expect when you work with a B Corp.   

Want to join us in our journey of making a meaningful difference?

Whether you’re looking for a new agency to work with, you’re another B Corp looking to join one of our alliances, or just want to keep in touch with our progress, talk to us. 

Get in touch