By Sally Pritchett

Download your free Diversity and Inclusion Awareness Days Calendar for 2025.

Never miss an important date in 2025 with our free downloadable calendar that includes key
diversity and inclusion awareness dates and events.

Nurturing a true sense of belonging among your employees can’t be a short-term objective – it’s an
ongoing commitment to ensuring that everyone in your workforce feels heard, respected and
valued. And with 65% of employees wanting to feel a strong sense of belonging at work, now is the time to ensure your business is aware of diversity and
inclusion days that matter to your employees.

How can our calendar help you?

  • Helps keep your diversity and inclusion employee engagement programmes on track.
  • Includes a wide range of cultural, racial, religious, age, gender, sexual orientation and
    disability awareness dates.
  • Top tips for opening up and developing important conversations to help you make the
    most of these events

If you find this calendar useful, then check out our Employee Health and Wellbeing Calendar and Sustainability and Environmental Awareness Calendar.

If you’re looking for support in rolling out your diversity and inclusion programmes, get in touch to see how we can help.

Download our Diversity and Inclusion calendar