By Sally Pritchett

When culture, honest communication, and purpose are essential, how can communicators attract and retain top talent?

Ever find yourself lost in the hustle, wondering where all your time goes? The busier life gets, the more crucial it becomes to reflect on how we spend our time. After all, time is precious, and optimising it is an art.

In a video earlier this year, our Commercial Director reflected on the time they had devoted to a battle they know all too well – the Talent War. To be exact, 650+ hours in 2022 alone, navigating the competitive landscape of recruitment, CVs, interviews, and the rollercoaster of onboarding and, unfortunately, occasional offboarding.

While some say the Talent War is over due to economic instability, the truth is that many employees are still seeking purpose in their work. Moreover, the growing differences in generational expectations regarding the workplace is creating challenges in attracting, and retaining, top talent. These shifts show that finding and keeping top talent goes beyond just economic factors.

When workplace culture, honest communications, and company purpose are vital to today’s employees, what can communicators do to attract and retain top talent?

Engage with hearts and minds

Attracting talent boils down to one thing: opening and engaging with the hearts and minds of potential candidates. Let’s take a trip back to 2001 when Apple revolutionised the music industry with the iPod. What set it apart wasn’t specs and features but the simplicity and clarity of its message – “1,000 songs in your pocket.” In today’s competitive job market, what’s your unique selling proposition? Flexible working, competitive salaries, and employee benefits while all essential to many job seekers, don’t define a company in the long run.

The power of purpose

The key to success? Define what sets your company apart, and that comes down to your company’s purpose. Employee motivations are evolving, and companies addressing this shift are few and far between. People crave purpose in their work. Statistics show 75% of the workforce will be ethically-minded millennials by 2025. Placing purpose front and centre, and integrating it into job descriptions and candidate discussions can help you connect with the right candidates and sidestep those where synergy is lacking.

Building a magnetic culture

It costs to attract, engage, and grow your people. The solution? Building a magnetic culture. A business with a magnetic culture draws people in, creates unity, and retains the best talent. And a thriving culture boosts productivity, improves customer service, and reduces turnover costs. In retention, go beyond the basics.

Be like Apple – stand apart. Focus on creating a thriving culture, driven by your purpose, to make your business different.

Whether you’re refreshing your recruitment communications or nurturing a united workplace culture, we can provide the support you need.

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