By Sally Pritchett

How can you help your communications resonate with a multigenerational workforce?

In today’s world, people are living and working for longer. For the first time in history, five generations are currently in the workforce, each with their own preferred ways of working and communicating.

While a multigenerational workforce brings diverse skills, experiences and perspectives, it also presents challenges – one of which is communication. While it’s important not to make assumptions and remember everyone has their own preferences, there are noticeable differences between each generation’s communication style. For example, Baby Boomers typically prefer a balance between email, phone calls and face-to-face communications, whereas Gen Z typically prefer direct personal communication and short, digestible digital messages.

With each generation valuing different communication styles, ensuring everyone feels informed, heard, and engaged is crucial. But as a communicator, what can you do to help your communications resonate with a multigenerational workforce?

Use various communication channels

Consider the different communication channels available to you and how you can use these to reach employees better. For example, if you are communicating a company-wide update via email, could you share this on other internal channels too? If appropriate, condense your email down and share via Teams or your internal social channel as well to help keep everyone informed.

Give employees flexibility on how they communicate with you

When it comes to communicating with employees, it’s not just one-sided – you should give colleagues the opportunity to share their thoughts, provide feedback, and raise concerns in ways that they feel comfortable. Where possible, consider offering employees different ways to communicate with you. For example, if you’re asking employees to contribute their ideas on a project during a meeting, you could also let them share their thoughts via email afterwards.

Balance digital and in-person communications

Using the right balance of digital and in-person communications can help you better engage employees with different preferences and ways of working. However, it’s important to make sure you are using the best approach for what you are trying to achieve.

While messaging platforms such as Teams are great for quick updates, it may be better to have in-depth discussions or more personal conversations in person. When communicating virtually with employees, always make sure you are clear and concise to ensure your communications are accessible to all.

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If you’re looking to develop engaging communications that resonate with a multigenerational workforce, we can help.

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