By Sally Pritchett

In this video, we navigate the challenges of a multi-generational workforce within SMEs, offering practical solutions to overcome communication hurdles.

With up to five generations present in the workforce – as Gen Z enters working age and discussions about a new pension age of 71 begin – the age gap between your youngest and oldest employees is widening, presenting both a challenge and an opportunity.

In this recent session tailored specifically for HR leaders within SMEs, we addressed the challenges stemming from an increasingly age diverse workforce. From talent attraction to productivity, company culture, and fostering diversity, we discussed practical insights and real-world solutions.

We examined the critical issue of retaining experienced employees to avoid ‘history and wisdom walking out the door’, particularly creating a challenge in sectors such as healthcare, where invaluable knowledge is at risk of being lost with an ageing workforce and retiring staff. Additionally, we explored the difficulties many businesses face in recruiting, and then retaining, Gen Z talent.

We would like to thank Daniel Broome, Strategic Director from People Puzzles, for joining the session and sharing his perspectives. If you’d like to connect with Daniel, please reach out to him on LinkedIn.


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