Driving sustainability in the beauty industry


With just 9% of plastic waste being recycled, Circla entered the market with an auto-replenishment service and a goal to cut down on single-use plastic waste. Circla approached us to create an attention-grabbing outdoor media campaign to raise awareness and encourage consumers to subscribe.

Circla delivered beauty products to subscribers’ doors and collected the empty bottles and packaging for reuse – like the milkman with milk bottles. Our insight showed that customers resonated with the easy-to-understand “milkman for beauty” concept.

We developed a copy led concept, with an element of humour to help to capture attention whilst visually seeding this new brand within the minds of the consumer.

We used the strong brand colour palette to create recognition, and a text-based approach across two pieces of creative.

The line ‘Leave it out’ is a playful reference and well-known British idiom that is particularly associated with London. In our concept the phrase is playfully used to refer to literally leaving the products for collection outside on your doorstep, instead of them going into the bin. The ambiguity of the idiom hints at the easy service and low waste promise Circla makes to customers.

Leave it out - ad campaign

The series of bus stop adverts that not only functioned individually, but also contributed to a larger story as you journeyed through south London.

Making a meaningful difference

The campaign successfully positioned the sustainability start-up as a responsible and convenient choice, supporting the growth of the brand and delivering:

  • a 62% increase in sales
  • a tripled average order value
  • an increase in online store sessions

The success of the campaign went beyond the original scope, with Circla also receiving an excellent response from investors interested in their next round of funding, and international brands wanting to join the platform.

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