By Sally Pritchett

Discover how to effectively communicate new strategies, boosting employee understanding and engagement.

As we approach 2025 and the end of many 5-year strategies, businesses are already gearing up to launch their 2030 strategies. Many senior leaders recognise the importance of crafting new strategies to navigate the fluctuating economic environment. Yet, effective communication of these strategies is just as crucial if they are to have any impact on the future of the business.

As Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock, emphasises: “It’s never been more essential for CEOs to have a consistent voice, a clear purpose, a coherent strategy, and a long-term view.”

The Strategy Struggle is real

It’s clear though that communicating new organisational strategies in a way that resonates with the wider business can often be challenging.

The Harvard Business Review found that only 28% of executives and managers could list three strategic priorities – and that number is likely to be even less for employees in non-management roles.

Lack of clarity; poor communication skills; the fact managers are already juggling many other priorities – these can all mean that important strategic messages don’t trickle down or land in an impactful and memorable way.

And it’s not that employees aren’t willing to engage with strategic goals. Employees are eager to hear more about their organisation’s strategy rather than just its purpose and values. Clear and effective communication not only helps employees feel confident in the strategy but also boosts advocacy and retention, which is crucial in today’s competitive talent market.

So, if communication is the key to strategy success, how do you overcome these struggles and ensure your long-term strategy is heard, understood, and even felt?

How to make your strategy stick

The key lies in fostering a deep understanding and genuine connection to the strategy, ensuring employees are not only informed but also inspired and actively involved.

By building a solid foundation through clear communication and consistent reinforcement, businesses can create a cohesive, motivated workforce ready to embrace and drive strategic change.

 Alignment and Understanding

  • Define core objectives of the new strategy and ensure clarity of vision.
  • Inspire and align leaders to gain their commitment.
  • Create simple and consistent messaging around the strategy.

Engaging and Involving

  • Develop an emotional connection through an authentic and human narrative.
  • Actively involve employees in the strategy’s development to win their hearts and minds.
  • Ensure leaders are equipped to drive and model the change.

Reinforcing and Sustaining

  • Celebrate and recognize successes to maintain momentum.
  • Share good news stories and best practices to establish the new direction.
  • Provide opportunities for continuous improvement and adjust communications as needed.

Unlocking the Strategy House

One common tool for communicating strategy is the strategy house diagram, but this visual representation can often fall short in conveying central messages. These diagrams frequently suffer from poor, cluttered design, and a lack of clear hierarchy – failing to highlight the most essential elements of the strategy.

To be effective, strategy house diagrams must be thoughtfully constructed with the emphasis on core objectives and key messages. Keep the visual elements simple and ensure that each part of the diagram logically connects to the overall vision.

When done well, these diagrams can be powerful tools to help employees understand the company’s strategic goals.

It’s a journey, not a destination

It’s important for leaders to remember that implementing a new strategy is a journey that requires patience, consistency, and persistence in communication efforts. Throughout the process, continuous adjustment and adaptation of communications are essential to align with and support employees effectively.

Ultimately, the strength of a company’s future lies in its ability to build a cohesive, motivated workforce that is not only informed about the strategy but inspired to drive it forward. By prioritizing clear and consistent communication, businesses can turn strategic plans into tangible successes and pave the way for prosperity.

If you’re looking to develop impactful communications that will get your global workforce to engage with long-term strategies, we can help.

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