By Sally Pritchett

The lines between internal and external communications are increasingly blurring.


In this article, we're diving into the evolving landscape of communications and exploring how businesses can navigate this shifting terrain.

Ever-changing social media and the growing power of employee voices have shifted the traditional boundaries between internal and external communications, presenting a fresh set of challenges whilst also offering exciting opportunities for communicators. This shift calls for a strategic approach that bridges the gap between internal and external messages, fosters seamless communication and embraces the power of a fully connected world

The rise of the employee voice

Gone are the days when internal communications were focused on employee news and updates, and when marketing teams held total control over the brand image presented to the world. Through digital channels and social media, employees have had a platform to share their thoughts and experiences, making their voices stronger than ever before. Internal communications easily and quickly become external news, carrying the potential to impact a brand’s reputation far beyond its intended audience.

Through this change, the impact of negative employee voices is also growing and we are increasingly seeing consumers holding brands to account for the way they treat their employees. A recent ‘Strength of Purpose’ report found that consumers in North America and Europe rank ‘Treating Employees Well’ as the top attribute of a purposeful brand.  The study also found that a massive 76% of consumers have taken action in response to a brand doing something they disagreed with, including no longer buying from the brand, switching to a competitor, or discouraging others from supporting that brand.

Case in point: Twitter (or should we say X?) experienced firsthand the consequences of this blurred line. When Elon Musk’s internal communications were leaked externally, it had a catastrophic effect on Twitter’s brand perception and even influenced Tesla’s revenue and credibility. This serves as a stark reminder of the need for thoughtful internal communication strategies that safeguard a brand’s reputation.

Creating authentic connection

Today, job seekers and consumers look for authentic content that reflects the culture and values of a business. Traditional marketing methods and a focus on just showcasing your product or service benefits are no longer enough. Brands are realising the importance of engaging their employees and ensuring that they feel informed and aligned with the company’s values.

While internal communications remain essential, in order to successfully navigate this new landscape, internal and external communicators must collaborate closely. Maintaining strong and consistent communications strategies has never been so important.  Shifting to a content-first approach and prioritising high-quality content, irrespective of the audience, will allow for greater control of the narrative and consistency in messaging inside and outside of the organisation.

By embracing this evolution and recognising employees as powerful brand advocates who can have a significant impact on brand reputation, businesses have the opportunity to create authentic and genuine connections with both internal and external audiences.

Let’s embrace the opportunities that the blurred line between internal and external communications offers. Talk to us for support with a seamless communication approach that resonates with all your audiences.

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