Navigating AI together: uniting communicators to embrace change

By Sally Pritchett

Change can be unsettling, especially when we’re not prepared for it.

With the AI revolution upon us, we are bringing together communicators to navigate this change together. Here are some key insights from our first roundtable.

AI can be an emotional topic, and for many, the opportunity for a big productivity boost sits alongside fears around role replacement and the devaluing of skills. Hearing concerns from fellow communicators, we have created a forum ‘Navigating AI together’ to enable us to manage the transition to AI together, safely, ethically, and with positive and open mindsets.

In our first roundtable, we discussed how communications is a driving force that shapes workplace culture, employee experience, productivity, sales, customer service, and innovation. We know it’s not time to hand over communications to robots, but rather to put our focus on leveraging the potential of AI, alongside human expertise. Here is a summary of some of the key conversations that were had during the first ‘Navigating AI together’ roundtable.

AI and communications: setting the scene

At the recent Simply IC conference, established internal communicators explored the impact of AI in their field. During the discussions, they found that ‘AI is generally welcomed by the communications community although still quite scary’.

In a reassuring address at the Simply IC conference, generative AI expert and author Nina Schick emphasised that AI makes communication more important than ever. Instead of replacing the role of communicators, it is likely to highlight the need for real human communication.

Additionally in the roundtable, we discussed how uptake of AI might be slower than the media would suggest. Insights from a survey of 2,000 people in the US shed light on the current state of mainstream AI usage. The results indicated that AI adoption remains relatively limited, with only one in three individuals having tried AI-powered tools. Moreover, most people are not familiar with the companies responsible for these innovations. Notably, younger generations, particularly millennials, lead in embracing AI, while boomers appear to lag in its adoption.

Opportunities and challenges in AI for communicators

Communicators are often juggling large workloads, always trying to do more with tighter budgets and tighter deadlines. If your CEO came to you today and said I’m giving you a budget for an extra head in your team, their role is just to support you, you probably wouldn’t say no. AI has the potential to be a very useful tool in the box.

During our first ‘Navigating AI together’ roundtable, communicators identified several opportunities surrounding AI in communications:

  • Simplifying contracts and legal language, making complex concepts understandable.
  • Distilling white papers and reports for easier comprehension with tools like ChatPDF.
  • Supporting pre-meeting research, providing insights for better preparation.
  • Quickly generating thought-starters and creative prompts with tools like AI.
  • AI-powered voice narration making video content a more accessible and affordable channel (while considering concerns around cloning voices and deep fakes).
  • Ensuring content from multiple sources has a consistent tone of voice.
  • Boosting the accuracy, speed, and accessibility of data analytics.
  • Accelerating the content creation processes, acting like an intern while prioritising accuracy.
  • Supporting annual and quarterly reporting, especially in understanding legislation, regulations, and sustainability challenges.

However, with great power comes great responsibility. The communicators attending the roundtable were cautious of the risks around AI, including:

  • The potential for content plagiarism.
  • Voice and video cloning leading to the threat of deep fakes.
  • Rapid advancements impacting job roles.
  • The need to double-check all AI-generated content for consistency and accuracy.
  • Over-reliance on AI, leading to dependence issues and deskilling.
  • The limitations AI has in intelligence, only being able to use borrowed information.
  • Ambiguities in policies, guidelines, and law.
  • The ethical considerations surrounding original IP, ideas and, creative.

Navigating AI together: overcoming bias and achieving inclusion

In our next session we will examine the issue of the biases embedded in AI and explore how we can mitigate this bias and harness AI tools to foster greater inclusion and authentic representation.

Building a culture of belonging across diverse countries and cultures

By Sally Pritchett

Discover how we helped a global business to foster a culture of belonging.

Enhancing performance and cultivating loyalty, a culture of belonging encourages united dedication and purpose across a business. As Tony Bond, SVP, Chief Diversity & Innovation Officer at Great Place To Work explains: “Diversity is being invited to the party, inclusion is being asked to dance and belonging is dancing like nobody’s watching, because that’s how free you feel to be yourself.”

Why does belonging matter?

Belonging is not just a buzzword. According to Deloitte’s 2020 Global Human Capital Trends survey, 79% of organisations consider belonging important for their achievements. Research conducted by BetterUp revealed that when employees feel a sense of belonging, businesses experience large benefits, including improved job performance by 56%, a 50% lower risk of turnover, and a 75% decrease in employee sick days.

Creating a sense of belonging across countries and cultures is essential for global businesses looking to foster unity, collaboration, and innovation among diverse teams. But global campaigns can face unique challenges due to cultural differences, language barriers, and varying workplace practices. Tailoring your campaign to resonate with employees from different backgrounds while maintaining a consistent message of belonging requires careful planning, cross-cultural collaboration, and sensitivity to specific regional needs.

Case study: Making belonging part of the everyday conversation

Spanning 220 countries and territories, with a global workforce of around 600,000, DHL Group realised that they were not fully tapping into the potential of their diverse workforce. To celebrate the diversity of their employees and foster inclusivity they recognised the need to help all employees feel that they belong.

We distilled the concept of belonging into a simple and relatable campaign – and that was the start of ‘I Belong’.

Our creative strategy made the concept of belonging relatable and simple, for all. The results of the campaign were remarkable, seeing high engagement on both internal and external channels, which we put down to four key reasons.

  1. Real employees took centre stage, sharing their stories of how belonging extends from their personal lives into the workplace. Through blended images, the campaign showcased the authentic experiences of employees, fostering authenticity and unity.
  2. We leveraged the power of user-generated content by creating a versatile frame device. This device enabled employees to share their stories across internal and external channels, and was accessible across countries and cultures.
  3. To ensure global consistency, a comprehensive global toolkit was created, including campaign assets, videos, and a user-generated content toolkit for employees. This facilitated engagement across diverse regions and cultures within the organization.
  4. The campaign utilized the #iBelong hashtag and frame template, resonating with employees of different genders, ages, ethnicities, and cultures. By amplifying the campaign across internal and external channels, equal access was provided for all employees to participate and contribute their authentic stories.

Through employee engagement and participation, ‘I Belong’ encouraged individuals to share their authentic stories, creating a platform for open dialogue and connection. The global reach and impact extended the message of inclusivity beyond the organization, fostering connection among employees, reinforcing the importance of belonging and diversity in the workplace.

Colleagues all around the world have posted the template with their belonging stories. Our internal DEIB social wall is just flooded posts and people keep on posting. We can already say after a few days it is a very successful campaign engaging so many colleagues who are proud to work for DHL Group!

Head of Corporate Team in Digital & Internal Comms, DHL Group

Creating a culture of belonging across countries and cultures is an ongoing journey.  Contact us today to chat about how we can support you in building a culture of belonging across countries and cultures.

Three years as a UK’s Best Workplace for Women

By Sally Pritchett

We're thrilled to been ranked 7th in our category on the UK's Best Workplaces for Women™ list.

This prestigious ranking by Great Place to Work UK acknowledges businesses that not only cultivate a great working culture but also strive to create a positive and supportive environment for women.

At Something Big we avoid the ‘work hard, play hard’ culture that our London counterparts have become famous for, and instead, we concentrate on doing great work together. We work hard to avoid late-night deadlines by investing in great planning and scheduling so we can maintain our responsiveness to our clients without the cost to our team.

This approach has attracted ambitious, high-performing, experienced, and talented individuals who seek a balance between meaningful work and a fulfilling personal life. As a result, our employe surveys show that Something Big is a great workplace for all.

Understanding the UK’s Best Workplaces for Women rankings

The UK’s Best Workplaces for Women™ rankings are based on the renowned Great Place to Work® Best Workplace™ survey, recognised worldwide as the largest and most rigorous assessment of workplace cultures. To compile this list, Great Place to Work® evaluates women’s experiences in the workplace, considering factors such as trust, equal opportunities, and representation. Women’s reports contribute 85% to the ranking, while gender representation in the workforce and management accounts for the remaining 15%.

As Benedict Gautrey, Managing Director of Great Place to Work® UK, explains: “We’re delighted to announce our 2023 collection of the Best Workplaces™ for Women for the sixth consecutive year. This list celebrates the workplaces that are not just providing a great work environment for all, but are ensuring they’re creating a positive and supportive environment for women too. Each of the companies on our list have been commended by their own female employees who have anonymously told us their workplace has gone above and beyond to ensure that women employees are treated fairly in terms of recognition, training, and promotion opportunities. Ensuring people aren’t discriminated against, placing positive value on our differences, creating fair access and advancement for all, and fostering a sense of value and empowerment in employees is what being a Great Place to Work® is all about. It is fantastic to once again celebrate so many Best Workplaces™ for Women this year, across all sectors and organisational sizes.”

Championing gender equality for fairer, healthier, and happier workplaces

While we are delighted to be recognised as one of the UK’s Best Workplaces for Women™, we also acknowledge that many workplaces still face challenges in achieving gender equality. To learn more about this topic, our CEO Sally has shared an article discussing three necessary steps to foster gender equality in the workplace.

If you too are on a journey of cultivating a workplace culture that values employees and their right to fulfilling work and a balanced life, we would love to hear from you.

‘Growth redefined': unveiling our impact report for FY23

By Sally Pritchett

Discover the power of proactive action and impactful change in our FY23 Impact Report: 'Growth redefined'.

We are committed to creating a meaningful difference, not only through the impactful communications we produce for our clients, but also in the way we operate our business. For us, making a meaningful difference is more than good intentions and promises; it’s about taking proactive action. That’s why we are thrilled to present our FY23 Impact Report, titled ‘Growth redefined’. This report is proof of our unwavering commitment to redefining what growth means and creating a positive impact.

Our impact report provides a comprehensive overview of our efforts in the areas of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) from April 2022 to March 2023. It delves into our initiatives and outcomes, showcasing how we are integrating sustainability, inclusivity and responsibility into every aspect of our business. From raising our voice about the harm of plastic pens to creating a county-wide LGBTQ+ network, our report highlights the tangible steps we have taken to make a difference. We are also excited to share our plans for the year to come.

Download our FY23 impact report

Our commitment to impactful change

While doing the right thing has always been part of our DNA, our passion for making a positive difference has never been stronger. ‘Growth redefined’ summarises the progress we have made and the impact we have had over the past year. It is a testament to the dedication of our team, who consistently go above and beyond to create meaningful change. Creating a meaningful difference is not a catchphrase for us; it is the driving force behind everything we do. When we encounter challenges, we take action. We don’t shy away or stand on the sidelines; we stand up for what we believe in, even when it’s not easy.

As we celebrate the publication of ‘Growth redefined’, we are excited for the future and the opportunities it holds. Our commitment to making a meaningful difference remains steadfast, and we are eager to continue pushing the boundaries of what is possible. We invite you to join us on this transformative journey as we redefine growth, embrace sustainability, and work together to create a better world.

Celebrating one year as a B Corp: using business as a force for good

By Sally Pritchett

It's been an incredible journey for Something Big as we celebrate our one-year anniversary as a certified B Corp.

As we reach our first B Corp birthday, we wanted to reflect on this milestone and its alignment with our values and commitment to ethical practices.

The B Corp movement represents a new business approach, prioritising purpose alongside profit. For those unfamiliar with the movement, B Corps are companies that meet the highest standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability. All B Corps undergo a rigorous assessment to ensure they are making a positive impact in areas such as governance, workers, community, and the environment.

Aligning values with actions

Becoming a certified B Corp last year was a natural progression for us, due to our unwavering commitment to always do the right thing. The B Corp movement embodies our belief that business should be a force for good, not just in words but in actions. By meeting the B Corp standards, we have joined a global community of like-minded organisations that are reshaping the future of business.

Even before our certification, Something Big was on a journey to be a force for good. Doing the right thing has always been in our DNA. But the B Corp framework enabled us to solidify our commitment to social and environmental consideration, and holds us accountable as we work towards making a meaningful difference to people and planet.

The power of community

One of the most inspiring aspects of being a B Corp is the sense of community. We are proud to be part of a global network of businesses united by a shared purpose: using business as a force for good. This community serves as a source of inspiration, collaboration, and learning.

Alongside fellow co-chairs, our CEO Sally has taken a proactive role in leading the B Corp movement locally, by starting B Local Surrey. Recognising the importance of collaboration and knowledge-sharing, Sally and her co-chairs have brought together businesses across Surrey, building a local community of B Corps (and those who aspire to become one) who now meet for networking and information-sharing events.

Growth redefined

As we celebrate our one-year anniversary as a certified B Corp, we are thrilled to be publishing our impact report for FY23, titled ‘Growth Redefined’. This report tells the story of our efforts to create meaningful change for people and planet over the past year. We invite you to check out our impact report and join us in celebrating the progress we have made this year, and the plans we have made for the future.

Together, we can redefine what it means to grow as a business, creating a future where prosperity is not only measured by financial gain, but by the positive contributions we make to the wellbeing of people and the planet. Get in touch if you’d like a copy of our impact report to be shared with you as soon as it is published.

Moving forward with purpose

As we celebrate our one-year anniversary as a B Corp, we are more committed than ever to driving positive change. We recognise that the work doesn’t end with certification; it is an ongoing journey of continuous improvement. We will keep challenging ourselves, setting ambitious goals, and pushing the boundaries of what it means to be a responsible business.